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Juneteenth Celebration and Community Day 2024

WHAT: Juneteenth Celebration and Community Day 2024

WHEN: 6/15/2024


END TIME: 1800 EST*We understand that you are busy and may need to leave before 1800. Let us know if this is the case.

WHERE: Monocacy Village Park, 401 Delaware Road, Frederick, MD 21701


This event is a collaboration of diverse organizations seeking to raise awareness about services

and opportunities; provide information and resources and encourage "engagement" among residents in

the greater Frederick community. The overarching goal is to empower those attending to increase their

knowledge and make informed decisions about health and wellness, education, economic development,

and political awareness and involvement.


Voter Information and Registration

Health Screenings

Free COVID-19 Vaccinations

Financial Literacy Information

Food donations

Food Trucks and Vendors

Fun Activities for Kids

Entertainment and Much More!!

Volunteers will assist with the following roles:

1) Set-up/clean-up

2) Hospitality Helpers

3) Food Distribution

4) YMCA Kids Corner

5) Shred-IT Truck

UNIFORM OF THE DAY: Casual, PHS Spirit Gear (no uniform items, to include the ODU or PTU shirt)

VOLUNTEER LEADS: LCDR Jackson, Velisa and LT McCrimmon, Frantishka, 910-315-3528


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